Announcing The New Face of The Money Maniac Blog

After thinking a lot yes, a lot, I have finally decided to change the face of ‘The Money Maniac’ blog to be more specific with geo-focused articles. Until now, I have posted many articles on personal finance, investing, insurance, money, debt management, child investments and many other subjects, generally focused to the people from anywhere in the world than a specific country.

Now a days, I thought it would be better and beneficial if I add more focused articles specifically for readers from my own country. This change certainly help me to achieve two major goals:

1. I can utilize my knowledge and familiarity in a better way by writing well focused articles on personal finance and investing, for the readers in my country.

2. I can take maximum advantages from the popularity of this blog by writing any articles for people around the world.

However, any such changes by focusing more to my country, never affect present readers. No major changes will taken place with any article in the database. The multi-face functionality of my blog certainly work as the best place to get articles that helpful to people from all over the world and specifically from my own country.

Here is what you can expect from this blog:

– General tips on personal finance, investing and money for all

– Interviews with international and national top bloggers

– Reviews and subject focused articles

– Financial Planning Guidelines and money management

– Exploring Indian investing possibilities, stock analysis and investing guidelines

Residing in my own country as a resident Indian, I find that it is all the more reason why I think that exploration of these subjects may turn out to be interesting and noteworthy. Hope you hang around and find what you’re looking for over here..

You can about me to know more