Do I Have a Right to Benefits If I Lose My Job?

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losing-job-and-benefits-4903673 Over the course of an employment career, chances are that many of us will have lost our jobs one or twice, either through redundancy or individual malpractice. Becoming unemployed can be extremely tough and life changing. The effect of stress and frustration while you’re unable to find a job can have major effects on families and friends, however there are benefits available from the government and employers that will allow you continue seeking work while also meeting your monthly payments. Many companies voluntarily offer severance packages with benefits to its employees, however this is not required by law. These benefits are calculated by a number of factors including length of service, salary and unused holiday days. From employment law solicitors to factory workers in Brighton, such packages if needed can be collected as a lump sum or spread out over time to help meet with your financial needs. However it is very likely that severance pay will disqualify you from government unemployment benefits.
Insurance You are within your rights to claim and receive insurance payments if you have other insurance policies that protect you from losing your job. Although these policies are separate from disability or life insurance policies, it will pay a sum of money in addition to any other redundancy pay you receive. These types of benefits allow people who are unemployed to pull together multiple sources of income to minimalize the effects of losing a job.

Unemployment Benefits

When claiming unemployment benefits, jobseeker’s allowance rules state that you must submit details of how your job was lost in order to claim benefits. There are many processes when claiming jobseekers allowance, however one of the first steps usually starts with an interview. Interviewers will focus on factors like how the job was lost, whether through voluntary action or though misconduct. Sanctions will apply to applicants who do not provide all of the necessary information, however if all other conditions are adhered to, unemployment benefits will be given.

If you leave your job voluntarily

Without just cause, leaving your job will not entitle you to unemployment benefits. This is determined by benefits officials who will decide if your case meets the conditions of governmental benefits schemes.


Conditions for unemployment benefits are also strict for misconduct within the workplace. Misconduct is stated as “actions that can fairly be described as blameworthy and wrong”, meaning such actions would give an employer just causer to sack an individual. It is important to remember that being demised can be fail and not amount to misconduct.

National Insurance Credits

National Insurance credits can be paid to an individual during periods of unemployment. However strict rules apply and sanctions will be given if these rules are not followed. The maximum length of a sanction can be up to 26 weeks, where an individual can lose a portion or all of their National Insurance Credits. However the employment official dealing with your case will have a great deal of discretion, and will with personal contributing factors accordingly.

Author bio: This post was written on behalf of Hibberts who are employment solicitors in Crewe within a range of legal areas.