5 Ways to Go Green on a Budget

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With the events taking place in regards to our beautiful planet, going green can be an admirable thing to do. Fortunately, it doesn’t matter what your financial situation is; going green can be easy to do, even on a budget. When it comes to “going green,” there’s no complicated process that has to be followed. In fact, everyone has their own unique ways of “going green.” If new to the concept of living green, below are five ways that you can begin your new journey, even on a budget.

1) Smart Cleaning

For the most part, everyone has to clean their home, dishes, and clothes. What most people don’t know is that certain methods are more harmful to the planet than others. For example, certain cleaning products may have harmful chemicals. In addition, the appliances you use when cleaning may also have an effect on the environment.
Use Eco-Friendly Green Cleaning Products: Dropping your run of the mill cleaning products doesn’t mean that you have to spend a fortune on “organic” cleaning products. In fact, you can even make some of your own cleaning products cheaper than you can purchase them. Even better, your homemade cleaning products will be healthier for the environment. Mixing your own cleaner isn’t hard and in most cases, all you need is vinegar and baking soda.

Skip Heat Cycles: Instead of letting the dishwasher dry your dishes through the heat cycle, consider letting your dishes air dry instead. Furthermore, consider hanging your clothes instead of putting them in the dryer. Not only cutting out heat cycles be healthier for the environment, it may also save you money on your electric bill.

2) Recycle and Pay Attention

Obviously, recycling can be a great way to help the environment. However, not all products can be recycled.

Shop Smart: If interested in recycling, the first step is to pay attention to the type of packaging your goods come in. Checking to see if the packaging can be recycled or not only takes a second and can make a huge difference to the environment.

Use Less Paper: Instead of using paper plates and utensils for gatherings and every day life, consider using real plates and utensils instead. While it may require more clean up, doing so can make a real difference when it comes to the environment. Furthermore, you can save money by not buying paper plates and utensils.

3) Unplug and Turn Off

Although you may not always pay attention, turning off all lights and electronics can make a big difference for the environment. When not using them, it can be helpful to unplug all electronics. Not only is it better for the environment, it also reduces the amount of electricity you use which in turn can reduce your electric bill.

4) Buy Used

Instead of buying new furniture, clothes, and other items, consider buying these items from a consignment store.

5) Ensure Efficiency

Another fantastic way to go green and save money, making sure that your appliances can work efficiently can really help the environment.

About the Author: Dean is a content contributor for Secure Insurance and he covers a variety of topics including how to become an insurance broker.