
5 Ways to Improve Your Freelance Income

freelance-income-1487968 In a world where unemployment runs rampant in many areas, more individuals are turning to freelance work as it could provide a far better opportunity. Although there could be more money trickling in than there was before, you may still need more in order to pay the bills. Without spending too much money improving your client-base, what else can be done to market yourself to those looking for your particular talents and abilities?

1. Facebook –
Using Facebook to create your freelancer profile can give clients a professional social contact point and keep them apprised of changes. However, you shouldn’t use your personal profile to engage professional clients. Facebook offers the ability to advertise your business using a professional profile page. These pages are connected to your personal account and you can easily switch back and forth between your profiles for easy management. Just don’t forget to keep your professional posts regular. The more active you are, the greater the chances you have for increased income.

2. YouTube – Using YouTube to market yourself as a freelancer can have a great impact to your strategy. These videos are simply more than just content for someone to watch on the YouTube site. They can be shared across a variety of social media sites and embedded into your own as well. The YouTube videos can be a free form of advertising that can be used to demonstrate your abilities. These can be how-tos, instructional, or demonstrative videos that can be monetized in order to increase your income even further.

3. Blog
– Developing your own blog can help clients understand what it is you actually do. Any freelance niche has a wide variety of content that can be created in order to further your professional appeal. Another great aspect of developing your own site is the ability to link all of your marketing methods to a single locale. Your website can then be monetized using Google Adsense or affiliate marketing in order to generate additional income.

4. Google Authorship
– One method that many freelance professionals have been implementing is the use of Google+ in conjunction with Google Authorship. The Authorship aspect regularly scans for articles written by you regarding your preferred niche. The more often you are found among websites by name, the higher your reputation gets for providing actual information regarding your abilities. In this aspect, it is good to be a contributor to other websites that center posts around your skills and talents. Inadvertently, your contributions to other sites could lead back to your own in order to generate additional revenue.

5. Localized Advertising
– If your freelance talents rely on localized clients, the Internet can play a part in your marketing strategy. Since search engines gear most results regarding physical location, the above strategies will still help in gathering interest in your area. Pay-per-click campaigns can also be designed to focus on local users including Facebook’s own advertising methods. Facebook will allow you to center your ads determined by location and display the number of users that are in your area that will see your ad. There are a variety of successful ways you can market yourself online. Your biggest concern is getting your name on the Internet synonymous with the skills you are offering. The above are just a few ways you can use the Internet to maximize your exposure. By keeping yourself as active as possible, you will attract the attention of those clients who are looking to spend money hiring someone with your particular talents. Don’t be frustrated by a lack of work, and turn that time into marketing yourself.


This article is contributed by Madoline Hatter. Madoline is a freelance writer and blog junkie from ChangeOfAddressForm.com. You can reach her at: m.hatter12@gmail.com.